Service Questions
We are happy to answer your questions on any tour to ensure you are completely satisfied.24/7
You can contact us at any time either before you book or while on tour. We prefer happy travellers.
Product Support
All tours are operated by Guidepost or one of our experienced and reliable ground operatorsour tour operators
We know all of our operators personally and can honestly recommend the standard and quality of tours
Partnership Info
contacts will be provided for all local operators and tour guides.Safety & Comfort
Our operators know their territory well and will do everything possible to retain their high reputations.

We would love to assist with your travel plans
Many tour itineraries displayed on our website can be tailored to individual requirements
Please feel free to contact us by message on the adjacent link, phone or email at any time. We understand that many of our tours and destinations may be different to those in normal travel brochures but we have over 45 years experience as well as full confidence in the local operators we promote through stringent investigation and personal experience.
5/133 Belinda Street, Gerringong
NSW 2534, Australia
Phone: +61 (0) 418428909