Broken Hill Experience
5 Nights - Most Mondays from Sydney
Overview: This tour starts with a day trip by train from Sydney on Monday or you can fly into Broken Hill. In Broken Hill you’ll truly discover a lost world with its…
Discover Sydney on the Indian Pacific Across Australia
7 Nights - Tour starts most Saturdays ex Perth. Please check with our office to confirm dates
Overview: The breadth of Australia’s staggering diversity and unparalleled grandeur unfolds before your eyes travelling between Perth and Sydney on the Indian Pacific. Add…
Offer Expires: 01/03/25
Broken Hill Wanderer
8 Nights - Most Mondays from Sydney
Overview: This is an extended tour of Broken Hill and the surrounding outback region. Visit Silverton, Menindee Lakes, White Cliffs, and all the amazing sights and attractions…
Margaret River Indulgence on the Indian Pacific
8 Nights - Departs most Tuesdays. Contact our office to confirm dates
Overview: As the perfect primer for a relaxed luxury adventure and gourmet experience, touring the beautiful Margaret River is ideal. An internationally acclaimed producer of…
Offer Expires: 01/03/25